Hereford Beefburgers with Chunky Barbecue Relish

Feeds: 4

Time to cook:

Approximately 12 minutes


Lean minced beef, Tomato ketchup, English mustard & Worcestershire sauce

Barbecue relish:

Oil, Onion, Mushrooms, Apple, Tomato ketchup, Worcestershire sauce & English mustard



To make the barbecue relish heat 5ml (1tsp) oil in a pan and cook 1 onion, chopped, and 50g (2oz) mushrooms, sliced, for 3-4 minutes until softened. Add 1⁄2 apple, cored and grated, 300ml ( 1⁄2pt) water, 75ml (5tbsp) tomato ketchup, 15ml (1tbsp) Worcestershire sauce and 10ml (2tsp) English mustard. Cook for 10-15 minutes until thickened.

Meanwhile make the burgers:

In a bowl mix together 450g (1lb) lean minced beef with 30ml (2tbsp) tomato ketchup, 10ml (2tsp) English mustard and 10ml (2tsp) Worcestershire sauce.

Season with pepper and mix well. Divide into 4 and shape into burgers. Cook on a preheated grill or barbecue for 4- 6 minutes per side, until cooked through.

Eat: Serve in burger buns with the barbecue relish, lettuce and corn on the cob.