Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Delicious Irish Recipes

Irish beef recipe

Irish beef recipe

St. Patrick’s Day falls on March 17th and it’s the perfect excuse to gather together friends and family and have a celebration. We have selected three delicious Irish inspired recipes that are ideal for such an occasion and will certainly go down well with all your guests.

Irish Beef Stew with Hereford Beef

Pedigree Hereford Beef is as popular in Ireland as it is all over the rest of the world. For the beef stew you’ll need 3lb 5oz of cubed stewing steak (ask your butcher to cut it up for you if you want to make your job easier). The rest of the ingredients and the method for this hearty Irish beef stew can be found here.

Irish Champ

This recipe comes from Northern Ireland and it’s the perfect side dish to serve on St. Patrick’s Day, it’s also really easy to make and is great to cook with the younger members of the family. All you need is to add some green onions to the mash potato and serve it up with lots of butter. Find the Irish Champ recipe here.

Black Velvet Baby Cakes

These cakes sound absolutely delicious and are perfect to serve at any St.Patrick’s Day celebration. They’re really easy to make and the recipe makes enough batter for six cakes, but you can easily make more depending on how many people you’re expecting. These cupcakes need 150ml of Guinness, but don’t forget to buy extra for drinking!

What will you be cooking for St. Patrick’s Day? Come and tell us on our Facebook page or Tweet @HerefordBeefUK on Twitter.